Here is the current wish list for RaceChrono:
 Google Earth really time lap ( Probably more of a Google Earth thing )
 Ability to combine different sessions
 Exported files with the same name as the session as opposed to a random number
 Remote RaceChrono, ability to view real time lap times from a remote phone.
 Audio notices of better/worse sectors and laps
 Ability to mark multiple laps for export
 Configurable timer freeze lengths
 Accelerometer support (+ lean angle calculation + drift angle calculation)
 Switch MTK receivers automatically to 5 Hz
 TerraTrip rally computer functionality
 Aero drag calculation mode
 OBD2 screen with all channels, no logging
 Power at the wheels generation or power curve generation
 Option to automatically drop incoming phone calls while in session.
 Option to display (maybe flashing) message on screen sent as sms from predefined phone
 emit warning tones when a certain channel goes off limits
 Ability to read/reset OBD-II fault codes
 Optional white background color for OBD/GPS data and graphs.
 IR support to control cameras
 Wiimote support
 Record borders for tracks
 Braking power + distance calculation to performance testing
 Support for Innovative Motorsports products (LC-1, OT-1, LMA-3, SSI-4, etc)
 Better touchscreen support, especially when adding traps.
 Export simple lap times view / sectors etc to CSV
 Full-screen in WM
 Session list with more information on the screen (all the options and maybe best lap etc)
 Switch prev/best in lap timer every few seconds in landscape mode
 Auto mark invalid too slow laps
 Time slip graph (implement by speed difference?)
 Reverse tracks
 Live replay (simulator style, traqmate example?)
 Performance testing: Optional end speed for 66ft instead of the current exact number.
 Friction circle
 Custom display modes (for laps)
 Acceleration circle
 Lap time chart as graph
 Sector-to-sector time in addition to the current start-to-split timing.
 Top-speed mode as performance test
 Show the comparison lap in sectors/traps/highlow mode too.
 New display mode for laps. Show where you are faster than the comparison lap in green, and where slower as red.
 Hot keys for Windows version
 Notes for performance runs
 GPX import
 Twitter for real time data
 Automatic track selector (no need to select track manually)
Please reply with any new wishes.
Live data screen - mode that would allow to display data from OBD2 channels live.
(without logging, just to display selected obd2 channels)
I think this is a simple screen to make and would be veeery nice
Pay attention for this point...
I have a Holux M1000 whit a MTK chip.
I noticed is that upgrading the reciver to 5Hz sometimes some NMEA sentences are lost, even more for a couple of secs (even 4 sec); this probably becouse the GPS receiver is not fast enogh to send the data received and it's flodded by data....
I found that the M1000 can be "upgraded" to 3Hz whitout data loss.
Tnx for readind
This was is a good point, I need to do sentence selection as well if I'm going to implement this.
1. Option to automatically drop incoming phone calls while in session.
2. Option to display (maybe flashing) message on screen sent as sms from predefined phone number. Maybe with extra large letters so that only short things can be displayed like "4/20"...
I would be willing to prototype this if needed.
Allow MPH, not just KPH.
Another popular test is 30-70MPH with a rolling start. Maybe configurable tests like this, or a way to pick just those bits out of the full tests?
Multi tests: Allow logging of 0-100KPH, 30-70MPH, 1/4 mile all at once so you can log them all constantly while driving normally on the road or track.
Merging data with the Innovate Motorsport data logging data.
The "multitests" are sort of already there, as the selected test doesn't mean it is only one that is recorded, but it is the one that is displayed in the Live Timer. The rest are recorded too, and you can see them when you open any recorded run.
One request, could the software emits warning tones when a certain channel (ie. coolant temperature) from OBDII goes over a user defined value?
1) Option to display white background with black (dark) GPS/OBD values and graphs, as I personally found current colour theme somewhat difficult to read on the sunny day (while driving, of course
2) Ability to read and reset fault codes using OBDII interface. Well, that's not really a purpose of the application, but would be nice addition
- Put a big "GPS clock" mode in the software : at the start of the session the user films its PDA showing this GPS time with its camcorder/video recorder and bam, easy synchro !
- Basic infrared support to turn on recording via simulated camcorders IR remote control at the same time as session start
Of course that data should also be exported to the CSV file.
as usual.
Waiting for this new beta.
testing next week on track.
I ask again for wish list (already in list indeed, but asked priority).
Please verify if you can add also sounds for better/worst split. While driving on track it is not always easy to give a look to the display. Sounds (also standard and system sounds without customising) will be surely appreciated.
Lower left corner maybe... as an option.
Cool app. Cant wait to try it.
I've tried to create a new test with:
start speed 150kph
end speed 50kph
and distance
but system error for end speed lower than start.
It could be interesting to verify:
stopping time
stopping distance
calculated mean deceleration
in order to verify brake system both in cold situation (the first brake) then in warm situation (the tenth brake)
I use OBD II bt and the screen of a 2din navi (through video input) for racechrono and obd data visualization.
It could be wonderful to visualize OBD channels on navi screen.
This could perfectly substitute additional instruments on the cockpit.
May you add a custom config of the screen in 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 window frames in order that user can define how may window frames visualize and the content of each viddeo frame.
I've tried obd-II on a Audi S3 8P and there are a lot of interesting channels....
My biggest wish is that Race Chrono could be made available for Windows Mobile 2003 !!! I have a nice Pocket PC with Win Mobile 2003, it is completeley useless, ideal to use as lap timer if only Race Chrono could be installed.