Sony Actioin Camera HDR-ASXXXX

Ive just given the Pro upgrade a trial and found the extra features fantastic.
connected to a BT ODB11 reader.
whilst p[laying around i also found the options for adding a Go Pro camera support.
Unfortunately i already have a pair of Sony HDR-AS100 & 30 cameras and no Go Pro Cameras.
Are the Sony Sony cameras supported as this was make the cost of upgrading to the pro version a no brainer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated


  • The you can import the videos shot with (almost) any Action Camera to RaceChrono Pro. It's just little bit more work, and you need to press the start button on the camera separately.
  • I have the same problem a Sony AS100, a guide to how to setup the câmera to Racechrono video is highly appreciated!
  • edited September 2016
    RaceChrono does not have remote-control feature for these cameras, but the video files from this camera can be linked to the sessions. Here's tutorial made with older version:
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