loading KML file from a xgps 160

Is there any way to load the logging file(KML) from an skypro xgps160 into the RaceChrono app? Would like to avoid hauling/risking my phone on the motorcycle.

Tested out the RaceChrono software trial and was happy to pay for the full app. Still at the track, I made and uploaded this video taken a couple hours before:


  • Currently importing pre-recorded data from the device is not possible. Thanks for the video, looks like lot of fun!
  • Thank you for the reply!

    Not a big loss on my part; already have another phone on order so one can be dedicated to the timer. Have to say though, I think there would be A LOT more interest from bike enthusiasts if importing data was possible.

    Every single person I've spoken with has been extremely impressed with the app and all the features, but the requirement to carry their phone or purchase a second device to carry, killed their excitement. There is a big risk carrying your active phone on the bike(car too, to a lesser extent), or an additional cost to purchase a second device to carry.

    In any case, I'm really happy with RaceChrono and will continue to point people in the direction of the app. Thanks again!
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