Being new to RC and not very tech savvy I seek advice on how to transfer the video file from the phone to my PC for video editing. A simple export using USB appears to have transferred the file but I cannot find where it has gone. On the phone the file is called RC_20171116_144522.mp4 but a search on the PC reveals no such file. Your assistance would be most gratefully received.
Is there a user manual out there somewhere?
The .mp4 file on the phone's SD card can be read on the PC but that contains the video only without the overlays.
The turorial shows how to share the file, but you can also find it from /Android/data/
The tutorial shows eleven sites to share with, including "share to drive" which sounds like the one I want, via a USB cable to my PC?
I have exported the overlaid video but my "share session to" screen (RC 5.1.3) doesn't offer that choice, only Bluetooth, Gmail, Messaging, YouTube and Add to Maps. I have uploaded to YouTube OK but really need the overlaid video file to allow me to import it into Adobe PremeirPro for editing.
How may that be done?
Thanks, Biggles.
You can skip the 4. step of the tutorial, and connect your phone to USB, and fetch the file from /Android/data/ on either internal or external storage, depending where you exported it.
Many thanks for your guidance.
As a test I exported a small overlaid video to phone internal storage and looked in Android/data/ but there is no export folder.
The phone default storage was then changed to SD card and the test video exported again. On the Export Queue screen, just above the Start button it says External Storage (24.3 GB remaining). Connecting the phone to USB, after the export was done, and looking in SD shows folders Android and (dot)Android:
If the phone is rebooted as you suggest will all data be lost?
Is there an option to uninstall the application and re-install it?
After much faffing about, saving files, a factory reboot of the phone and a re-install of RC has got me back to where we should be. Don't know what went wrong.