Hi everyone.
Is there some documentation regarding Bluetooth Low Energy communication if I wanted to make my own "OBD-like" device? I know, that Bluetooth BR devices uses ELM 327 AT commands over the serial connection, but with BLE we have GATT characteristics and services. Are there some standard ones? I saw that RaceChrono supports at least one BLE OBD device (tonwon or something) so I assume it is technically possible to connect RaceChrono to a BLE reader. Oh and I have motorbikes in mind which do not support OBD so I wanted to start with my bike (FZ/MT 09) and maybe gradually hack some other models/brands later on.
Then I replicated everything in my device as closely as I was able to. I have even almost the same advertising flags with appearance, complete list of 16bit uuids, I have the 0xfff0 GATT service and so on. But it seems as if RaceChrono wasn't even attempting to connect to my device (I can monitor all events on a console). From nrfConnect there is no problem with my widget, it works.
Does the "+Add OBD-II reader / Bluetooth OBD-II reader" support BLE? Maybe this cheap OBD reader has Bluetooth BR also (not LE) and somehow R.C. connects using BR? Do you have some advice maybe? Can you point me in the right direction? My experience with Android is limited to some basic examples, but maybe you could point me to some APIs you use?
You are aware that 0xfff0 is not the full UUID right?
If you're building your own BLE device, I suggest buying a "Carista" reader as reference. It works pretty well, and quite a few other ones use the same UUIDs.