VIDEO: "file missing" when I try to match racechrono data and videorecorded

The Gopro (hero3+) actually is linked with racechrono via wifi. When I start a session, I can turn on the gopro and start recording videos, all of this using the functions of the app. The videos are visible in the microSD in the same way as the normally recorded ones (not using racechrono). BUT when I put the microSD on my smartphone (huawuei), open racechrono and going to "session", the app says there are videos, but when i try to open it, it says "file missing". Also during recording, no images are visible on the screen dedicated to real-time video ...please help me!!
Sorry for my poor English :(


  • UPDATE: actually If I cut the videos from the microSD and paste them on the INTERNAL DATA STORAGE of the phone, in the "RaceChrono" folder...THEY just exist then on the session of the app!! But the big problem is that every single video recorded with the gopro is too heavy, too big to stay in the little space of the internal storage of almost every smartphone. So the problem is that Racecrhono doesn't find the videos in the external microSD when is in the phone... should I maybe rename some folder os something like this in the microSD?
  • Hi, you've almost solved it already! The folders for raw video files on memory card are as follows:

    /Android/data/ (RaceChrono Pro)


    /Android/data/ (RaceChrono with Pro upgrade)

    This is described in the support article here, just scroll past the iOS stuff to the end of the article:
  • THANKYOUUU!!! but I've just got it!! I used the microSD dedicated to gopro, put it on the smartphone, then started some session recording videos using JUST the internal camera of the phone BUT telling it to stock videos on "external storage". Than I put the microSD in the PC again, find that F**********NNNNNN' FOLDER, move the videos recorded by gopro using RC in that folder.... and when I put again the microsd in my phone and open rc session..... EVVAIIIIIIIIII YEEESSSSS!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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