I recently came over to RaceChrono from Harry's Laptimer and one of the things I liked about HLT is that the video overlay showed you the min speed in all the corners and max speed on all the straights. Like the min/max speed shown on the map in the linked pic below. How get those values to show up on the video overlay?
Also, the map seams to show the GPS speed value, how can I change it to OBD2? I'd also like the video overlay to use the OBD2 value.
Also min/max flags or the colour on the map cannot be changed to OBD-II values. This has been on my TO-DO forever so maybe I should finally do it as the data engine now allows it.
The overlay can be edited from the "Edit overlay..." menu item on the video player tools. You can change the speedometer channel from GPS to OBD-II.
Any chance I can convince you to put the min/max as an option for the video overlay on your to do list as well? Along with a gear indicator...?
How do I overlay the gear indicator? Or any other OBD-II channel thats not one of the 6 default options that show up under OBD-II channels?