Sorry for no answer. I was (still am) supposed to test if it still works. Basically you need to enable "Experimental devices" from expert setting, and then you can add it as "Other device" if I remember correctly (or GPS?). I test new major versions with it, but haven't tried in a year or so, so it might have become broken.
I should do an iRacing version, but it needs some Windows plugin programming, and not too excited about doing that
Just got around testing this. It still works. Make sure the UDP 9996 is open outbound and inbound. There's other ports opened by Assetto Corsa too, you can ignore them. Notice, tested on original AC, probably does not work on ACC.
I discovered this easter egg the other day, tried it out and really impressed by how well it works!
Some feedback: 1) Currently it's available as a "GPS receiver". I wonder if it would be more logical, and easier to discover, as "Other devices", similar to where GPS-enabled DIY BLE device are. 2) Would be useful to have a "preferences" screen, where some parameters can be tuned. Some ideas for preferences: a) Set maximum refresh rate. I'm seeing 100+ updates per second, which is arguably too high. b) Apply GPS offset and rotation, so that the GPS track can be matched to the real tracks? We already have GPS micro-adjustment in the Session review screen.
It would be really cool to also connect it to other sims, such as ACC and iRacing. Would it be help if I created and shared the source code for a couple of demo Python apps that connect to those sims, get and parse the data, and print out the same parameters you're logging for Assetto Corsa?
I think one of the benefits here is that by using RaceChrono with the sim, I can help my friends figure out how to set up RaceChrono before they even go to their first track, and even let them play with their real data and learn what they can find in it — again, without the cost and stress associated with doing it at the track.
2b) I don't think it'll match the real tracks very well. AFAIK all games unwrap the curved earth to flat earth 3D model, which distorts everything a bit. But I'd need to try first of course... Some games real world coordinates. I wish many more would.
Sure, I'd be interested in supporting either ACC or iRacing, or both, with your help.
I looked iRacing a bit during the winter, and turned out it outputs real world coordinates only to the data logger files, not live, which is why I only created the support to import files. Live support would also require some kind of server. I briefly experimented with the Python examples, and it worked fine, but I ditched the effort when I found out the real world coordinates are not output there. You might be able to calculate mock coordinates like I do for Assetto Corsa, but not sure.
For ACC I haven't found any documentation on how to connect (I didn't look that hard).
In case a server would be needed, I would make it to listen to a TCP port which would output NMEA 0183. Then it could be tested rather easily without making any changes to RC. Then just output the car data on some proprietary sentence.
Re: 2a — oh, indeed! It would be useful to also provide a 30 Hz option. 10 Hz is a bit too little, given that it's shared with non-position data channels, but "Unlimited" is a bit too much.
@AlexKW it's not possible to compare AC data and real track data. Problem is the AC tracks (or "world") are "unwrapped" to a flat plane, making any accurate coordinate conversion impossible. Also the AC does not output real world coordinates, which iRacing does for example.
@AlexKW even if the coordinates matched, you can only do so much given the differences between the real tracks and virtual tracks. Even with laser scanning etc. in iRacing, I can still find differences from real tracks I drove in real life. The tires and car models are also different from real life.
Ive been playing with the AC integration and it works fine. It took a few steps:
1. In RC settings / turn off your gps and obd sensors and add a new GPS sensor / selecting the Assetto Corsa Simulator and enter the IP address of your AC computer. (run "ipconfig" from a command prompt to find it). I also use the expert setting to rate limit the AC data.
NOTE: as long as the wifi/lan network is configured as a 'private' network and not a 'public network' the ports / firewall should be good on the computer. (settings / network & internet / wifi / properties)
2. In RC - Start new session and use the up arrow in the bottom left to check that data is being received ok (you wont see any lap timing since you don't have a track or any sectors yet!)
3. Select 'create new' track, then select the l'ocation' icon in top right to view the live view. I found it easiest to park trhe car on the start/finish line to add the trap exactly where the postion/triangle is/ (the track is in the sea so there is no way to know where to put them otherwise. Then repeat for other sector traps you want and give the track an name "AC ".
4. Now restart the sesion, select the AC track from 'my tracks' & drive some laps. You should see the lap timing screen populated and be able to do the usual data analysis.
** Feature question: I assumed settings / vehicle profiles would allow different sensor combinations to be saved assocaited with that vehicle. So switching between real car and AC car profiles would change my GPS and OBS sensors accodingly. Not just CAN/OBD minor config. Can all the sensors be inside vehicle settings?
I should do an iRacing version, but it needs some Windows plugin programming, and not too excited about doing that
Yeah, iR would have been nice too!
I have enabled the experimental devices and specified the IP of the machine running AC. However, it does not seem to be able to connect.
I checked the firewall - and the it looked like the UPD port that is used by AC is open. Yet - I don't have anything more to perform the diagnostics.
Thanks anyway!
Some feedback:
1) Currently it's available as a "GPS receiver". I wonder if it would be more logical, and easier to discover, as "Other devices", similar to where GPS-enabled DIY BLE device are.
2) Would be useful to have a "preferences" screen, where some parameters can be tuned.
Some ideas for preferences:
a) Set maximum refresh rate. I'm seeing 100+ updates per second, which is arguably too high.
b) Apply GPS offset and rotation, so that the GPS track can be matched to the real tracks? We already have GPS micro-adjustment in the Session review screen.
It would be really cool to also connect it to other sims, such as ACC and iRacing.
Would it be help if I created and shared the source code for a couple of demo Python apps that connect to those sims, get and parse the data, and print out the same parameters you're logging for Assetto Corsa?
I think one of the benefits here is that by using RaceChrono with the sim, I can help my friends figure out how to set up RaceChrono before they even go to their first track, and even let them play with their real data and learn what they can find in it — again, without the cost and stress associated with doing it at the track.
2b) I don't think it'll match the real tracks very well. AFAIK all games unwrap the curved earth to flat earth 3D model, which distorts everything a bit. But I'd need to try first of course... Some games real world coordinates. I wish many more would.
Sure, I'd be interested in supporting either ACC or iRacing, or both, with your help.
I looked iRacing a bit during the winter, and turned out it outputs real world coordinates only to the data logger files, not live, which is why I only created the support to import files. Live support would also require some kind of server. I briefly experimented with the Python examples, and it worked fine, but I ditched the effort when I found out the real world coordinates are not output there. You might be able to calculate mock coordinates like I do for Assetto Corsa, but not sure.
For ACC I haven't found any documentation on how to connect (I didn't look that hard).
In case a server would be needed, I would make it to listen to a TCP port which would output NMEA 0183. Then it could be tested rather easily without making any changes to RC. Then just output the car data on some proprietary sentence.
Re: 2a — oh, indeed! It would be useful to also provide a 30 Hz option. 10 Hz is a bit too little, given that it's shared with non-position data channels, but "Unlimited" is a bit too much.
Just short question, do we need to create a new track (start, finish, etc.) or can RaceChrono determine the track from Assetto Corsa?
Maybe someone set up a BTG AC track, with matches with a real BTG with all sectors, to analyze the time from the track and from the AC?
Thanks for the info.
It's very sad 😔
I was very pleased with the possibility of connecting RaceChrono to AC, and here is such a disappointment.
It would be very cool to have the whole range of analysis in your favorite application.
1. In RC settings / turn off your gps and obd sensors and add a new GPS sensor / selecting the Assetto Corsa Simulator and enter the IP address of your AC computer. (run "ipconfig" from a command prompt to find it). I also use the expert setting to rate limit the AC data.
NOTE: as long as the wifi/lan network is configured as a 'private' network and not a 'public network' the ports / firewall should be good on the computer. (settings / network & internet / wifi / properties)
2. In RC - Start new session and use the up arrow in the bottom left to check that data is being received ok (you wont see any lap timing since you don't have a track or any sectors yet!)
3. Select 'create new' track, then select the l'ocation' icon in top right to view the live view. I found it easiest to park trhe car on the start/finish line to add the trap exactly where the postion/triangle is/ (the track is in the sea so there is no way to know where to put them otherwise. Then repeat for other sector traps you want and give the track an name "AC ".
4. Now restart the sesion, select the AC track from 'my tracks' & drive some laps. You should see the lap timing screen populated and be able to do the usual data analysis.
** Feature question: I assumed settings / vehicle profiles would allow different sensor combinations to be saved assocaited with that vehicle. So switching between real car and AC car profiles would change my GPS and OBS sensors accodingly. Not just CAN/OBD minor config. Can all the sensors be inside vehicle settings?