Hello, I am using an HC-08 connected to a NEO-7M, I would like to know if it is possible to connect this way with RaceChrono in the IOS version.
When I click on "RaceChrono DIY>Bluetooth LE" it keeps searching infinitely and doesn't find my HC-08 module to connect, but the module is easily found by BLE Scanners apps on the iPhone.
Connection scheme:
NEO-7M ---- HC-08
TXD ---- RXD
RXD ---- TXD
VCC ---- VCC
GND ---- GND
Using the HC-06 to test on Android worked well.
I also tried using an HM-10 on IOS and was unsuccessful.
What would I need to do to be able to connect my Bluetooth LE module to the racechrono?
1. use wifi - then you can send directly NMEA data
2. use BLE - but BLE use custom protocol. please check https://github.com/aollin/racechrono-ble-diy-device?tab=readme-ov-file#gps-main-characteristic-uuid-0x0003 . I think GPS main characteristic (UUID 0x0003) + GPS time characteristic (UUID 0x0004) are enough.
If you will go with BLE (or also wifi) then you can use for example esp32 boards processor which usually have WiFi and BLE.
if you are intersted in that way I have ready program which I can put on github (based on small, cheap ESP32-C3 SUPER MINI boards) . In fact that uses m10 gps (have different protocol of configuration than m7).
You can use also use these lines of code as inspiration how to process data from UBX to BLE messages https://github.com/0x8008135/RaceChronoDYI-TBeam/blob/master/rc_dyi_tbeam/rc_dyi_tbeam.ino#L485