RaceChrono External BLE GPS on IOS

Hello, I am using an HC-08 connected to a NEO-7M, I would like to know if it is possible to connect this way with RaceChrono in the IOS version.
When I click on "RaceChrono DIY>Bluetooth LE" it keeps searching infinitely and doesn't find my HC-08 module to connect, but the module is easily found by BLE Scanners apps on the iPhone.

Connection scheme:
NEO-7M ---- HC-08

TXD ---- RXD
RXD ---- TXD
VCC ---- VCC
GND ---- GND

Using the HC-06 to test on Android worked well.

I also tried using an HM-10 on IOS and was unsuccessful.

What would I need to do to be able to connect my Bluetooth LE module to the racechrono?


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