Hello to all. I'm using racechrono on my N95 with no trouble so far. My friend wa't to use it two, but he's not a big fan of small phone displays. So he asked me "if i'll buy wince device with BT - can I easly connect an OBDkey to wince?".
Does wince version of RaceChrono manage BT connections or should I look for some BT manager? for the decvice?
Will RaceChrono support widescreen (or highRes) devices?
Does any of you use RaceChrono with OBDkey?
best regards.
it seems that i can run some versions on wince, am I right?
Since I don't want to start new discussion: Have you considered some kind of support for other UI languages? eg. language.txt file with all text labels, that anyone can translate to his native language and overwrite with the existing in the RC application? if so, i'm first in line to do polish version.