I just wanted to stop in and say thank you to AOL for a great product! I stumbled across this website by chance last year while in search of other software and immediately had an interest. Up until now, we (co-driver and I) had been using a different track mapping/timing software via our in-car PC, but it was getting old and outdated and the developer has since vanished.
I'm here to say that we finally got our chance to use RC on track this past week at Lime Rock Park in CT, USA and it was the a great solution for us. We haven't had a chance to review the data in detail, but the data is there and looks to be very useful for our purposes. RC ran perfectly throughout the entire event.
If comments are welcomed, my only comment is this (pertains to my situation): After starting a new session, "session title", "driver", and "session notes" should be at the top of the list (ideally in that order). "track", "session type" & "save NMEA data" should be at the bottom. Since 99.9% of the time, RC will be used at a single track throughout the entire day/weekend, there really isn't any reason to have "track" towards the top - once you set it for the day/weekend there's no need to change it. The same goes for "session type", once you select the type of racing you will be doing for the event, it most likely won't change.
Since I share the car with a co-driver, the two most important changes are "session title" & "driver" and on our limited viewing area we have to scroll down to change driver which is difficult on a touch screen. I understand this is all very specific to my situation, but it seems to me that my points regarding what needs to be changed regularly still applies.
Anyway, thanks again for a great and free product. It's enthusiasts like yourself that keep us small time guys at the track! We really appreciate your work.
We haven't posted any recent RC relevant posts on our blog, but if you are interested in seeing our setup, check here: http://4amracing.com/?p=149
Is there a way to get GPS speed & lap times to show on the same "live timer" view? I'd love to see a large GPS speed in the background behind the current/best/previous lap times.
Also, when exporting the track map so that everyone else can download and use it, which format do I select.
Thanks again!