Is there any S60 software out there that allows you to change the sample rate on Bluetooth GPS units ( IE Qstarz 818 ) without a PC. My next question is if there's no such software is there anyway of building it into a future version of RaceChrono ?
I only ask because I use my phone as a Sat Nav as well as my RaceChrono lap timer.
how have you done to change Qstatz at 5hz?
Real quality and precision difference with "normal" GPS antennas?
Does it exist something better than 5hz nowadays?
Sorry for "boring" questions, We are attracted to a purchase.
The Qstarz comes with a program called GPSView. You can download it from their website.
Once you connected your computer via USB, you can change the rate via set up menu like above.
If you have a old bluetooth MTK chipset GPS (iBlue, Qstarz, etc), try just try to change it first using bluetooth connection, then if not working do the mod chip method. I have found my friend's GPS able to change the update rate to 5Hz via bluetooth connection. No need for mod at all. But I doubt it will last 20 hours like the Qstarz BT-Q818 extreme.
Make sure you buy the extreme too. Q818 has a 1Hz model.
"NOTE: The default setting for Q818eXtreme is 1Hz. If you are no longer to use
eXtreme 5Hz sport mode, either to switch it from software or to hard reset the
GPS by unplugging the battery for 5 mins."
Today I made a little test. I set it to 5Hz and ran all applications that use it, but it stayed in 5Hz mode, so I didn't find out if any program causes the reset.
I guess the most safe way for now would be as takahashi suggested to check it the night before and not use any other applications until the track day is over.
Thanks for the help, I'll report if I find the answers.
I have a Qstarz 818X that has 1Hz / 5Hz switch. However my data seems somewhat 'rough' on the display.
How can I check whether my GPS actually sends updates with 5Hz?
For control GPS type MTK / MTK II with phone and a java application, go to :