Exporting sessions in .kml (v3.33)

edited December 2014 in RaceChrono for Android
Hello everybody,

I have a problem with eporting the sessions I recorded with my Android to .kml.
I need it to reconstruct the track in another program. But the program can only handle .kml datas.
In the RacoChrono app v.3.33 I only have the option to export as .csv , .vbo, .nmea and .rcz format.
The manual says I can export in .kml but the app does not give me that option.
Waht is the reason I cant do that? Is it because I use the free version of the app?

It would be great if someone could help me with that problem.



  • KML (and the manual you're presumably reading) relate to the old Symbian version of Racechrono. KML export is no longer supported, so just export to NMEA and use an online converter to convert to a kml file.
  • Ok thanks for that information. That helps me a lot!
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