Sync racechrono start/finish and splits to circuit tool

edited December 2014 in RaceChrono for Android

I would like to ask if it would be possible when creating a track if you
could somehow introduce the function of typing in the coordinates
for the start/finish and splits and then rotate and change gate width.

The reason been currently I export your file as a .vbo file to
performance box then I create my start/finish and splits to where I
want them as it gives better control then circuit tools start/finish wizard
and then I save the start/finish to a .dsf file to create the splits for circuit tools.

After doing all this, from the tools tab in performance box I then export the
data to a google earth file which gives me the coordinates of the start/finish
and splits and then try sync the coordinate up with racechrono by moving the
arrow for the splits in the app back and forth to match up with the coordinates
from circuit tools.

Please note I have only been using the app for the last week and there might
be something I haven’t seen but if it doesn’t have this function it would be a
massive help instead of spending a lot of time trying to sync circuit tools
start/finish with racechrono.

Just to help people out


  • edited January 2015
    Before adding anything to my TODO list, I'd like to know more about the use case here.

    You say you'd like to enter the coordinate numbers to RaceChrono, but basically any way to sync start/finish and splits would be enough, right? It is possible to have embedded markers in .VBO, so Circuit Tools would load the track automatically, but RaceChrono doesn't do it currently.
  • The track will be embedded inside the .VBO exports in RaceChrono v4.00. It will be released in a month or so.
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