I'm using RC iOS version for karting session on an iPhone 6s but i'm not very happy about the accuracy of the track records due to the use of internal GPS.
I would like to add a bluetooth external GPS for less than 100$.
It's quite unclear looking at the RC site and forum what is the right combination.
- Garmin GLO seems to be supported but it's not in the recommanded list for iOS despite there are explanations to pair a Glo on iOS for use in RC. Also unclear if it works at 10Hz or lower rate
- QSTARZ BT-818X would be a cheap interesting choice but I can't find clear information about the use with iOS
Any feed-back of iOS users ? Or other recommandation ?
- Garmin GLO works on iOS only 3-4 Hz, and it's not on recommended list due to some trouble with it (yet to be confirmed though) on iOS. Still works well on Android and still recommended for that platform.
- Qstarz BT818X does NOT work on iOS.
Currently there's nothing available under $100 that I could recommend.
Are you interested in monitoring something in particular ?
It went well, quite a smooth draw of my path that map pretty well with google satellite view. The road had plenty of turn and there were quite good in general.
Refresh rate is confirmed at 3.7 - 3.9 on my iPhone 6s with last release of iOS and last RC. Didn't check for now the GLO firmware that comes out of the box.
According to this small test, it's far better than with internal GPS.
Interesting too, I use quite often Waze for navigation, the experience is also far better with GLO.
I have made several screenshot of my trial if you are interested in.
I will keep you posted when trying it on the karting track, I hope next Saturday.
The only thing I noticed when looking à the path record on the map is that the 2 last sessions are perfectly accurate compared to the 2 first sessions that have a few point outside of the track.
Garmin GLO seems to be quite recommandable now for iOS version
I woulf like to know if this configuration can work:
Iphone 5s + RC + Bad Elf GPS for Lightning Connector
Somebody had experience on it?
Thank you
a little bit cheaper than the other...
Thank you👍