Hi all. This is one of those moments in which I feel dumb. I mean I succeeded in Copying a video taken with a unpaired Gopro to the phone, linking and syncing it.
But I can't do what should be far more easier: importing in my session a video take with a paired gopro. I pair the camera. I take the video inside the session. In the page of "linked videos" I see the placeholder of the gopro video. Then I copy the video on the phone and... nothing happens. The linked empty placeholder is still here. And the copied video from the gopro is there, unlinked, so I'm supposed to erase the placeholder and to link and sync the video manually. It shouldn't work like this, I'm afraid. Am I missing something? Thank you for you help.
If the placeholder does not have a file name: Use the rename function from the context menu, and rename it to what ever the name of your copied video file is.