Hoi, Graag wil ik voor dit seizoen een Insta one x2 aanschaffen. De 360 filmpjes zal ik van te voren editen op mijn iPhone met de Insta one x2 app en opslaan. Kan ik de overlays van Racechrono alsnog toepassen op mijn opgeslagen filmpjes?
Q: "Hi, I would like to purchase an Insta one x2 for this season. I will edit the 360 videos in advance on my iPhone with the Insta one x2 app and save them. Can I still apply Racechrono's overlays to my saved videos?"
If you edit the 360 degree videos beforehand, and save them as traditional 16:9 frame videos, you can link them to your RaceChrono sessions: https://racechrono.com/article/480
If you edit the 360 degree videos beforehand, and save them as traditional 16:9 frame videos, you can link them to your RaceChrono sessions: https://racechrono.com/article/480