OBD II MX+ connection issue

Race Chrono isn’t connecting to my OBD. The module connects to the OBD app, but not to race chrono. I have the “+” model of iOS. I noticed in the “advanced” settings there are several toggle switches for OBD stuff but I’m new to using these things and aren’t sure if I should change any.

any suggestions? Thanks for the help in advance!!


  • I just get this and it never connects. Yes, my Bluetooth is on :)

  • @ehughes43 This is somewhat of an usability issue related to "MFi" devices on iPhone. Go to iPhone's bluetooth settings first and make sure the device is connected. Then come back to that screen and your OBDLink MX+ should show up.
  • I've been having lots of issues with the OBDLink MX+ not connecting to RaceChrono (7.6.6, iOS) this week too. It's been connected OK via bluetooth on the phone, but RC just says trying to connect. Is there any debugging I can do to work out why it's not connecting properly any more? Thanks!
  • @catmap remove the device from RaceChrono settings, and add it again
  • CTRL-ALT-DEL 😂 Got it @aol_of_RaceChrono, thank you!

  • @catmap RaceChrono relies on some ID that changes on some devices when firmware upgraded, so this is what then happens ...
  • Makes total sense @aol_of_RaceChrono - thank you for humouring me. I should’ve just done this in the first place of course 🤦‍♂️

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