@aol_of_RaceChrono -
2 year user of RC Pro here, this is my primary data acquisition pipeline. Have Racebox, GoPro, HR strap, OBDLink feeding in and most recently have added a set of four Team Plus tire temp monitors which you are supporting. Works great!
I'm writing to ask for support for the Team Plus track grade BLE TPMS monitors as well in a future release. These are great little units, but the fact that I have to run a separate app for them means that I'm tying up Bluetooth connection sockets and slowing RC down when it could all be native.
In addition, want to say a huge thank you for the experimental CAN support. We have *very* active thread going right now over on 718forum with a couple of us actively CAN hacking with OBDLinks and dumping into RaceChrono. Works like a charm.
https://www.718forum.com/threads/successfully-hacked-my-718-gts-can-bus-for-racechrono-data.31918In fact, I just found the TPMS but unfortunately a different CAN bus (MMI) than the one with most of the other useful data. I'm getting ready to install a 2nd homebrew pigtail tapped into a 2nd CAN bus since it appears that RaceChrono will support two OBDLinks on CAN simultaneously. But what I really want is the TeamPlus TPMS natively in the app.
Anyway - congrats and thanks so much for all the hard work.