No data merge in Dashware (so close)

Hi, I'm trying to merge my gopro footage with Racechrono data (of course) and proving to be easy/frustrating. Easy 'cause the dashware interface is soooo much better then MS MovieMaker and frustrating because when I import the racechrono csv file (v4.0.9) dashware immediately selects the correct track map and updates the altitude but the car position on the map doesn't move throughout the lap and there's no speed. Also if I add the lap # & lap time widget it doesn't do anything either.

It's like I'm 95% there in minutes but I'm missing that last 5% (that's the frustrating part). What am I missing?



  • I'm no DashWare expert, but do you have any of the in-app-purchases or Pro version? RaceChrono's export is limited to mere 45 seconds if nothing is purchased.
  • Yes. Looking at the lap I've chosen there's over 100 data points shown, but it doesn't matter which lap I choose.
  • Ok, just checking.
  • Dashware works just fine. You need to make sure you are importing the data properly, and you need to sync the data with the video.

    Watch the Dashware tutorial. That is what I did, and I read alot of the help documentation.....I was able to make this with not much more time invested other than RTFMing and making the gauges....

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