Session Won't start without WiFi?

I tried using RC while driving around recently, and RC refused to start a new session, presumably because it couldn't look up the license data? Is there a way to register RC so you can use it anytime and anywhere? There isn't one track I go to that has WiFi, and my tablet doesn't have 3G/4G data, either.


  • edited July 2015
    Sorry about that! It only asks for verifying the license if it's been started for two months without an internet connection. It also might verify the license after a new version has been updated.

    I've tried to design it so that it never appears on normal use. But as you have a device without cellular data, and seems like you rarely are connected to internet when you start RaceChrono, you might get these License verification failed pop-ups. You can do following when this happens: Create WiFi access point ("tethering") with your daily use phone with data plan, and connect the RaceChrono device to it just long enough to start. Then it will not bother you again in 60 days.
  • I'll have to remember that. I've had to do the tether to get it running at one track day. I should add firing up the old phone at home while on wifi to my pre-trackday checklist.
  • Thank you,
    I have a list of applications that need to verify the license periodically, so before I travel somewhere, I run those apps (Like RC) with WiFi at home, and with no WiFi after I get to the Hotel, so the license is always verified when I am at the track.
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