Hej! My name is Tim, i´m from germany.
I´m very interestet to get your great software started.But i don´t realy understand how´s that working, I mean Phone + gps data logger and software.
So what do i realy need to get the whole thing work and what do i need to overlay my trackday videos with it.
Like i understand i need:
One of those listet Nokia cell phones;
RaceChrono software 4 the phone;
GPS datalogger with bluetooth, like the Qstarz or any other 1Hz data logger with CSV data format.
And 4 video overlay:
RaceChrone AVi software;
Video overlay programm?
Is that right?Is that all i need?
thx Tim :-)
[li]Any S60 phone that is not older than 4 years, meaning 2nd edition or later. Third edition is recommended for best experience. Prices as new from 150 EUR. [li]Bluetooth GPS receiver (most new phones have Internal GPS, but external is better). I recommend 5 Hz GPS, by for example Qstarz eXtreme. 50-90 EUR. [li]RaceChrono software, version 1.02 beta! Please read the news section about how to join the beta group. FREE!!
For video overlays you need in addition:
[li]RaceChrono2AVI software. FREE!! [li]Video editing software. From $50. [li]Windows PC
[li]TrackVision software from http://www.trackvision.net, $200. [li]Windows PC
Basically this is all what you need to make great videos with RaceChrono. Please read the manual parts about lap timing and exporting. Version 1.02 beta or later is needed to output correct CSV format for both video overlay software.
than it would be work with this thing to
And what is when i only whant to use your RaceChrono2AVI software and a Bluetooth GPS receiver incl. CSV data logger? Than i wouldn´t need a Nokia phone or not?
Cause the data logger would save all the needed datas that i need to synchronise with RaceChrono2AVI software and to produce the video.
Or i´m on the wrong way?
Than I just better look 4 a compatibel Nokia phone like all you guys do *thumpup*;-)
At last i want to know how do I get the data from a new track, so you could load them up on this side for download. Do I first have to race the new Track? Or how is it working?
Sorry, but thats all so interesing, cause you guys have made such a grate racing-tool :-)
If the track is not already on the library, you need to create it first. Basically you have create an empty track, start the logging, drive a few laps, and then add the traps at the pits. You can add the traps while driving as well, if you have a co-driver to do it. Please see the manual lap timing session for detailed instructions.
Will it work with a Nokia 9500 or 3650? it isn´t listet on here. I think not, cause 9500 its an S80system but the 3650 is S60 but first edition.
When i´m rigth, why didn´t work it with this kind of phone? Cause it could read the sis file from your software?
I would recommend on buying one of those S60 3rd edition phones listed in www.s60.com
But Nokia 6680 would work? need that info fast, cause i could get one very cheap?
But only withRaceChrono 2nd edition rigth?...whats the different between RaceChrono 3rd or 2nd edition compatibel phones?or between those 2 softwares?
Remember that most 3rd edition phones have better resolution (240x320) and more memory, while 2nd edition phones have resolution of (176x208).
Also RaceChrono for 3rd edition has OBD-II support, and looks better than the 2nd edition version.
It has 10MB intern and 64MB memory via MMC card but this is expandable i think.
also its only a phone display look question? And i don´t need OBD-II support ;-)
But there are no differents between normal functions like laptime,sektortimes, speed, torque, brake and so on. Also when i overlay my video withit, there are no differents?
What size of MMC card do you would recomment?