I'm using racechrono for motocross training and apart from all technical data, it would be great to see heart rate. Of course I'm able to run another tracker to get HR logged, but this is not very convenient.
I think this feature may be fun for car drivers too and really helpful for moto/bicycle riders.
I've built my own data acquisition module based on an Arduino (the RedBearLab BLEnd, which integrates BLE onboard). I am successfully emulating OBD-II to RaceChrono now, but to do it I had to buy an additional classic Bluetooth breakout board - at the time I didn't know that classic Bluetooth and BLE are different protocols. I'd love to get rid of that extra breakout board and go straight through BLE. Do you foresee any roadblocks to doing this in the future?
I'm using very similar belt. The brand is coospoo or similar, I believe it is the same as in your link, just different name. Any belt with support for runtastic, Strava etc will work. So order one with most ratings, it should work