I've made several videos with Racechrono and Trackvision which has been great but one thing that's always bugged me is the G Circle in Trackvision moving forward on acceleration and moving backwards on deceleration. I've been waiting for an updated Trackvision that is supposed to allow you to change that but I've been waiting a long time and wanted to know if there's a way to edit the RC .properties file to do this ?
Thanks for the response. Any idea of how to do the above? I'm no expert in Excel and I've been looking into it but haven't found a way as yet.
Also do you know when it you'll have the update to be able to select groups of laps ?
Then you need to copy paste the column header of the original column, to the new one, so TrackVision will read the new one instead. And remove the header from the original one.
In RaceChrono you can mark those laps invalid that you don't want to export. Separate laps selecting for exporting is probably not coming in near future, as I'm really busy with some new features and and porting to other platforms. We are working on web portal where we might have more elaborate export functionality, for example this ability to choose group of laps.