My Galaxy Tab A has a 64 GB micro SD card for extended memory. Is there a setting for RC to save the video and GPS data to the micro SD card in stead of the internal memory?
You can change the video recording location from camera settings. Also export location can be changed just before starting the export process. Session recording location cannot be changed.
Correct. The session data is only a MB or a few MB, which is small on most current devices, but the video can use several GB or more.
To change the video storage location, open the Settings, then go to the bottom and tap Expert Settings.Then go to the bottom and tap Storage Settings. If you want to use a folder that doesn't already exist, you need to create the folder before you start RC.
@DonC sorry that's incorrect, do not touch the Custom video storage setting.
The recorded video location is in the camera preferences box, the one that is on the camera preview page of live recording screen. There is just a selection between "Internal storage" and "External storage".
After changing the folder for saving video, the session screen still reports the space available in main memory. Is that correct? I thought it would tell you how much is free in the custom, selected Raw video folder.
Also, the raw video is still in the DCIM folder, not the custom folder- there is nothing in the custom selected Raw video folder.
Do not touch the expert setting, it's unrelated to this.
Just select the "External storage" from camera preferences box. Here's the box in iOS but it will look similar in Android. Click it and you'll see the setting.
Yes, that seems to be a better way. After pressing START, slide to the video preview screen, tap the box that says Internal camera, and change it to External storage. On my tablet, it stores the video in: sd card/Android/data/com.racechronopro/files/Movies/RaceChrono
To change the video storage location, open the Settings, then go to the bottom and tap Expert Settings.Then go to the bottom and tap Storage Settings. If you want to use a folder that doesn't already exist, you need to create the folder before you start RC.
The recorded video location is in the camera preferences box, the one that is on the camera preview page of live recording screen. There is just a selection between "Internal storage" and "External storage".
Also, the raw video is still in the DCIM folder, not the custom folder- there is nothing in the custom selected Raw video folder.
Just select the "External storage" from camera preferences box. Here's the box in iOS but it will look similar in Android. Click it and you'll see the setting.
On my tablet, it stores the video in: sd card/Android/data/com.racechronopro/files/Movies/RaceChrono