I have GoPro 10 paired with RaceChrono. I am using RC to start and stop video recording when recording sessions. However after session recording is completed, I am not able to resolve linked video files names from camera.
Here is a video where I go through camera connection process which is successful, but video file names are not resolved:
https://photos.app.goo.gl/BozsoB8KTy8QFdKM8Using RaceChrono 7.4.4.
Not sure what information RC is using to resolve video file names from the camera. But the video for lap 2 of the session visible in the screen capture is called "GX010023.MP4" and the date time of the file as seen on the GoPro Quick app is "2/20/22 8:44:04 AM GMT +02:00".
RaceChrono tries to resolve the filenames according the timestamps on the memory card. Problem is GoPro updates the timestamps differently depending on the firmware version, camera model and the sun spots. This changes all the time and I'm rather fed up fixing it...
... So instead of fixing it, I will remove the filename resolving code on the next major release, and will require users to choose the correct files from the camera. I will add some automation magic to make it easy for the user.
I think this will be much better for everyone involved
That I have experienced before.
With GoPro 10, it "seems" that they have fixed it. Did not notice this faulty behaviour yet.
> So instead of fixing it, I will remove the resolving code on the next major release
Yup, sounds good to me.