Hi, I am trying to get live lap time a best time from racechrono.
I am starting using ESP32 and BL, is there here alittle example to pair bluetooth and get a "simple" one information from racechrono such as lap time?
I saw and example using Bluefruit, is it similar?
thx for your support
This allows a simple code translation from Arduino + HC-05/06 solutions.
Just be aware, that the bluetooth-stack is incredible huge! Using BT will not allow OTA, at least without reducing the SPIFFS-size or something.
my question is how to know the link betweek device and identifiers... ?
for example:
lap --> Identifiers? (I understood lap time, current time etc... )
gps ... ? Ok I can understand some identifiers by name
data ? ......
is there a datasheet to match devices and identifiers?
thx in advance for your support
{"Curr time", "channel(device(lap), lap_time)*10.0", 0.1}
Where can i find other associations ?
channel( ? (?) )
for example... if i want to get in realtime from racechrono app the difference between previous lap and current lap..or something like these information.... How can I define in my code the association?
I saw the doc on line, there all "keyword" to get information, but I don't understand how to match device and channel correct words..
thx :-)
But there are some patterns... like a "device(gps)" will always have speed, bearing etc. "device(lap)" will always have the certain set too, such as current lap time, previous, best etc. But "device(obd)" can have anything the user has selected.
If you want the time delta, "channel(device(lap), delta_lap_time)" should do it.