RLC...stunning analysis software!!!...maybe an export?

I had heard good things about this company and checked their software out...the ability to see where on the track between the edges is amazing and would be very helpfull with overlays between drivers...the rest of the software is simple and clean.

Any chance of an export to this format???...they use a ".bin" but I think it's proprietary.

I suggest you install the demo, then go to help and the second line will install a sample data file...see for yourself. http://www.rlcracing.com/PC_Software.htm

I'm looking for a better analysis program than vbox and danas and I have not found an open source one either.

Are there any forums for racing data loggers and analysis?




  • edited July 2009
    Hi, thanks for the tip! I will investigate after my holidays.
  • tentenths...

    take a look at Traqview. The session comparisons and such are really good.
  • I do like their software too...but what really attracted me to rlc is the edges of the track instead of a line...you can really see how each driver is taking the corner...I do not know any other system with this.
  • I think to get actual track position to the accuracy that you need to see driving lines like the RLC package, you will need some pretty decent GPS data. I would say 10Hz at least to see that amount of detail.
  • Refresh rate means very little to the positional accuracy, although it's true that the higher refresh rate GPS units are often more accurate. GPS is only supposed to be accurate to 1.5 metres at best, although I have seen variations (by a couple of metres) in line shown quite distinctly on a tight AutoSolo course. That was using a QStarz BT818X.
  • Andy in a static situation I agree - refresh rate wont make any difference to positional accuracy, but since racechrono is aimed at motorsport we must assume that there will be some velocity involved.
    Unless I'm missing something, I'm sure refresh rate will have quite an effect.
    If your car/bike is travelling at 55m/s (~200Km/h) and your gps updates only 5 times per second then there must be an uncertainty of postition of about 11m between each update.
    Of course the software could interpolate between updates which may or may not improve this error but on most tracks I would think 11m would make quite a difference to the assumed driving line. And yes, and top of this update rate error there is also the positional error of the GPS itself.
  • Whilst at 55m/s there's no denying that you'll travel 11m between samples. What you do know is the speed and bearing at each sample, which is unlikely to change by a large amount unless you're driving a top fuel dragster. You can't change your speed or bearing drastically in 2 tenths without hitting something. From that, you can realistically interpolate and determine positional accuracy based on those two points. The issue arises when those points are not accurate.

    If one point is a metre out in one direction and the second point is a metre out in the other direction, then your line will not be accurately shown. In a short space of time, drift appears to be minimal though, so whilst the line may not be positionally accurate, it can be compared with the line on the previous lap with reasonable certainty.

    From my point of view, I compete in AutoSolo where my speed never exceeds 40mph, so I never travel more than ~3.5 metres between samples, often it's half that. I've found from comparing on-board video that I can trust what the trace tells me about the line I'm taking. It was certainly enough for me to realise that one line was quicker than another and knock some time off.

    I suppose if you're cornering at 55m/s, then your mileage may vary!
  • I contacted RLC and you need to drive the edges of the track and send them the file and they make the track and add rumple strips etc. How hard would it be to drive the edges of a course a few times and then create a track like what they do but not as fancy???...just something that you could compare lines???

    I do understnad the above posts about accuracy but could it be done and what program would make the track? I'm trying to get the grand master aol thinking about this too...this feature alone is worth the effort imo.
  • The accuracy of GPS means that you may be shown as on the grass or missing the apex when that's not true. You're better off comparing laps made on the same day. You can see when you're taking a different line compared to another. Mate that to an on-board video and you'll get a good understanding of what you're doing. The only benefit of marking the edges of the track is "cool factor".
  • Nice explanation Andy, I agree with all your comments. Like you, I was just mostly trying to point out to tentenths even if the software did show a track like RLC it would give a fairly worthless representation.

    Tentenths - if you really want to see track positions did you know you can export your session to google maps. As andy says though you will probably see yourself off the track and in grass etc alot due to the inaccuracies we have both talked about.
  • Actually it does work quite well, you might not be able to compare Lat and Long in deg on different days but if you convert it into X and Y like RC does then the error for that day compared to another day is REALLY minimal.
  • edited July 2009
    I still think at the local car club driving school level this visualization would be an excellent learning tool for instructors to go over with their students...sure some data will be off but overall it would work best while comparing 2 drivers going through a corner together. Here is a grab from RLC. http://tr.im/uPkr
  • I don't think it would be that useful. For example, here's a screenshot of two lines I took on a Solo course a couple of months ago. You can clearly see how I experimented with lines on this bend. The difference in line is only a few metres. RC told me the tighter line was quicker! The same can be seen with this Google Maps overlay from Bedford earlier this year. I can assure you that I didn't consistently miss apices or drive over the grass, yet this suggests I did. I have to admit there was a grassy tyres moment but that's not in this trace!
  • I've been looking at the GPS data sent to me by my users, and I must add here my opinion: data is quite rarely good enough for making driving line analysis. It is so rare, that writing driving line analysis features tor RaceChrono would be a waste. I might write export for this software if it gets popular though...

    The faster you go the less likely is that the driving line through the corner is accurate enough... Also the line seems to "shift" time to time according the "satellite weather", which makes things even harder.
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