I've built a system out of 4 equal ESP32 boards, the MLX90640s and with the distance sensors. It works nicely, I can see the tire temps for all four tires in the "analog" display (colored rectangles with the avg value). For the FL (front left) I can also add the digital value display for the individual data (like avg temp, temp1-8, distance, etc.). but for the other 3 tires, this does not work.
I got 4 bluetooth devices, named GT4_FL, GT4_RL, GT4_FR, GT4_RR. It's not a hwardware issue. If I swap the sensors, it's the same, only FL works. And as I see the colored tires (with the 8 ranges), something appears to be wrong with the individual data selection to show as digital text value.
Anybody experiences the same or has an idea?
Did you ensure that the sensor is installed so that it covers the area of the tyre and not less or more than that? I mean that all 8 readings are from the surface of the tyre?
For example the rear tyres on the outer part are always blue. So either the sensor catches the temp of the air and not the tyre in this area or you may have too much negative camber.
Next I will add the tyre temp sensors.