Got my first BT ODB2 reader(OBDLink MX+) to use with raceChrono. The standard stuff worked great but I wanted to add manual gear position, brake pressure (or brake pedal position), and steering angle. I got the gear position to work but its on the PCM(0x 7E0), but I cant get anything to show up for the other 2 on the ABS(0x760).
Long version:
After scouring these forums and the interwebs I couldn't find any pids that would work. So I used Forscan and wireshark to capture the data I wanted. Keep in mind before today I had no idea how BT or OBD2 worked so I could be missing something.
Took a bit to figure it out but what I got was 8 measurements most that were duplicates in the standard channels.
On the PCM, header 7E0:
0x221505 - speed
0x221985 - manual gear pos
0x222B00 - brake on/off
0x22F40C - rpm
0x22F40D - speed
0x22F411 - throttle pos
On the ABS, header 760:
0x22EE12 - Break pressure
0x22EE14 - steering angle
anything on the PCM I can create a channel in raceChrono and get the correct data, but I never get anything under the ABS channels. Even if I put in the header so I'm not sure if raceChrono just cant pull from multiple locations or what I'm doing wrong.
does racechrono just not support non standard ODB PIDS?
Well I was able to get the tpm sensors tpm bus for tire pressures
Header: 0x726
Formula: (256*B+C)/3 + 22/3
But still get "no data" on 760 ABS. Another odd thing is if I try to use the wrong code on say header 7E0 o get some bits that mean nothing, something like 7F2231 or something similar. However, I get no data for header 760
Issue is I can choose to get get info from the ABS system OR the PCM & bodycontrole. As far as I can tell the app doesn't support switching networks.