So i'm not 100% sure how the back end works, but I assume you set up a header/filter to only get responses to what you expect.
Reason I ask, is I recently acquired a C6, which (unlike my C5) moves to CAN (500 kbps CAN). I connected my DIY sniffer and began listening and I'm seeing a lot of broadcasted messages on the bus (wheel speeds for example are just periodically broadcasted).
I'm wondering if it's possible to capture/log this information in RC without having to send a request. I suspect the answer is no, since doing so would essentially require an ATMA commands at all times. The inability to queue up messages to transmit while still receiving with the ELM protocol is one of its greatest weaknesses IMO, and it has burned me on other projects.
I use an OBDLink for logging, but even it still seems to suffer from the same limitation. Not sure if this is even possible with the standard OBD hardware
I assume that can bus mode is listen only? So we are unable to send messages then.
My next assumption is that race Chrono does not support this.
I need to build my dpids again and test functionally. It's probably fast enough to not worry.