ESP32S3 Monitor Sketch

edited March 2024 in DIY builds
Hello, i'm new to Racechrono, i'd like to use an esp32s3 to send gps and lap data (no need of can data) to a website
Does anyone have a working arduino sketch for reading those data from racechrono please ?
All examples i have seen use bluefruit wich seams not compatible with esp32s3
Edit: i found what i searched :
Just change {} by () , ex:
{ "engine_oil_temp", "channel{device{gps}, speed}", 0.1 } becomes :smile:
{ "engine_oil_temp", "channel(device(gps), speed)", 0.1 }
Another question : if my track is divided into 4 parts (sectors ?) is that possible to get the actual part number and the time of the last part ?
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