I've acquired some readers to test the new OBD-II feature on Android. The data rates are for one channel only. Here's the list of tests so far.
- OBDLink MX Scan Tool
Seems to be a very fast branded device with proper product support. Data rate very fast at 30-40 Hz. Best available reader!
http://www.scantool.net/obdlink-mx.html- OBDLink LX Scan Tool
Similar to MX, but much cheaper. Read the specs to figure out which one to buy.
- Car-Pal:
Data rate 3-4 Hz on BMW e91 (RaceChrono v2.30)
- OBDkey v1.1:
Data rate 5 Hz on BMW e91 (RaceChrono v2.30)
- OBDkey v1.3:
Data rate 8-9 Hz on BMW e91 (RaceChrono v2.30)
- HHOBD Advanced:
Data rate 5 Hz on BMW e91 (RaceChrono v2.30)
http://racechrono.com/photos/obd/IMG_20130726_131424.jpg- China blue "elm327" mini:
Data rate 30-40 Hz on BMW e91 (RaceChrono v2.33).
This is probably not a genuine ELM, but it claims to be ELM327 v1.5. Data rate it can achieve is simply amazing. This is an unbranded device, so if you buy one, remember you might not get same hardware as I did.
http://racechrono.com/photos/obd/IMG_20130726_131431.jpg- China white "elm327":
Data rate 15-20 Hz on BMW e91 (RaceChrono v2.33). This is probably not a genuine ELM, but it claims to be ELM327 v1.5, also it reports a fake Bluetooth address. This is an unbranded device, so if you buy one, remember you might not get same hardware as I did. (Note: Had some problems with protocol checking but will fix for v2.45 beta)
http://racechrono.com/photos/obd/IMG_20130726_131445.jpg- China black/blue "OBD Diagnostic Interface"
Didn't test the data rate, but works (RaceChrono v2.33). This is rather sizeable receiver with five blinking leds...
http://racechrono.com/photos/obd/IMG_20130707_140639.jpgNOTICE: The test BMW I'm using has CAN bus, hence the faster polling speed. It seems older cars, such as my other test car, with no CAN bus seem to be limited data rate around 5-6 Hz maximum.
ARM chip speed is faster and the communication speed is doubled
On/Off WiFi
On/Off Bluetooth
It works fine with Torque and pairs ok with RaceChrono.
I configured RaceChrono to record RPM and Throttle position on the fast channels and Intake temperature and Coolant Temperature on the slow channels. And I selected the device for recording.
Alas no corresponding Gauges are shown in the Gauges tab and nothing gets recorded.
Did I miss any steps in the set up? How can I figure out what is going wrong here? Any debugging options?
But I'm 100% sure that I saw adequately changing RPM and TPS data in live gauges. I didn't monitor it all the time, but when I checked the phone after the session before stopping recording - it was fine.
From the very beginning it wasn't going very smooth. When I tried to connect it first time it just somehow dropped the selection of the OBD channels to include in the log. And it done it again couple of times later. Also, I noticed that it now takes more time to connect to Bluetooth GPS receiver when OBD device is added to log. OBDKey is pretty expensive devise and being advertised as one of the most capable ones. I got it because of claimed support of Subaru's SSM protocol hoping that I will be able to use it with my 97 JDM WRX (it doesn't have OBDII, just SSM I). Unfortunately I didn't had much time to play with it, so until now I was using it as usual ELM device with other cars.
Thant M3 is away now, but I will try to record some sessions with other cars and this OBDKey device.
My Phone is HTC Desire S. Stock software, Android 2.3.5
2011 M3 in this case. However, note the "throttle" is showing the actual throttle blade position, not the accelerator pedal position (most noticeable on the downshifts)
I am happy to report that RaceChrono is talking to my OBD reader now; I can see gauges for the selected channels, and the data is captured in the recorded sessions and viewable in the graphs.
I have no idea what changed between then and now. Oh well.
In addition to genuine ELM327 there is at least OBDTool MX and OBDKey that have developed their own chips, but they are all in $100 range.
Through hyperterminal it reports the ELM327 as a v1.5 which was never made by ELM. Probably a 1.4b copy.
For genuine device with good support and fast data rate, one should buy the OBDLink MX. It has premium pricing though, at $149 it's probably one of the most expensive you can buy.
My favourite of the cheap ones is the "China blue" mentioned and pictured in the original post. Notice the device doesn't have any name, but it is identifiable by it's looks.
As mentioned, it was surprisingly large... so much so that it got in the way of my feet while driving. So I bought one of these cables just to move it to a better spot. http://amzn.com/B007PAHHWM