help get me to VBO please, please, please

used rc for many years on symbian and win7 to export csv to dashware for video work
then needed heavy driver analysis so went Traqmate for 4 years
now where I am is all AIM sytems so I learned that
now I have 2 days with 2 cars coming up and new AIM Solo DL loggers with only baseline data from Traqmate.
the only way suggested is print out Traqmate graphs on paper and compare to live AIM files...yuk
looked almost everywhere and this is what I found:

believe it or not Race Keeper Comparo used to be able to open the Traqamte csv files and display the graphs against its own data or even use it for Traqmate to AIM. Tried this today and it’s broken and has not worked for years…BUT the nice folks at RK said they will simply fix it.

Then found that Dashware actually imports almost everything in a jangly way….it kind of works but graphs are not lined up and mixed up and or flipped…close.

Then to my final and closest shot at this…RC outputs vbo to Circuit tools like butter!!! Someone even built a CSV to VBO before the feature was implemented. So how do I get a Traqmate and then AIM CSV IN TO RC??? or to vbo clean?

I loaded RC 1.45 on win10…yes it works. I did what I read to do was make an input folder and then drag in nmea or txt. I did this and had a txt and then an nmea file show up so I selected them for import and they came in but nothing in them?…no laps, no traveled route. Each time empty. As you know VBO is simply a text file.

What am I doing wrong???…or this never worked?

I even tried GPSbabel but did not know the settings. Here is a zip with 4 files from Watkins Glen
Traqmate format csv export
Traqmate raw data cdv export
AIM dot delimated csv
AIM comma deliminated csv

Any insight as to how to import these in to the old WIN RC would be the best as long as the exported vbo goes in to CT.

Any other ways to do this???



  • Try converting the source files to NMEA, I think that should be possible. I recommend writing own converted AIM CSV => VBO, as the file formats are usually possible to "decode" with little effort.
  • there was someone on here who wrote a csv to vbo you know him/her? Do you know anyone who can write a simple script to automate this?

  • I'm sure anyone with decent hobby level coding skills can do it. So maybe ask your friends or so.
  • one last you know any forums where I could post this to find a coder? Thanks.
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