DIY data collection (with link to working code for Arduino and Bluetooth )



  • @DrMotor

    greetings! I really appreciate the help provided. I was testing with an esp32 wroom and it connects perfectly to racechrono but I couldn't see the values ​​of the potentiometers either in the app or in the Arduino serial port. Will there be any difference other than the esp32-s3? I'm going to wait for the S3 to arrive and try again. thank you so much

  • Hi May675, I only tested that it sends something from ESP32-S3, but that "something" is not necessarily correct or useful. I used a "Serial WiFi Terminal 1.31" (a freeware app on the phone, instead of RaceChrono) to see all the $RC3 messages as they arrive. One can also enable time-stamps in the terminal to check the timing jitter.
  • Hello greetings! My esp32-s3 has arrived, everything works perfectly, for the esp32 wroom I was testing and it worked at 5hz. very grateful for all the help provided.@DrMotor

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