My first build: CAN-Bus and GPS through Bluetooth LE



  • @jgunny for steering angle on F/G series...

    PID 0x301
    endian: little (intel)
    type: unsigned
    factor: 0.04395
    offset: -1440.11
    unit: degrees
    start byte: 2
    start bit: 0
    length (bits): 16 (2 bytes)
    range: -1440.11 to 1440.11
    rate: 5hz

    i will note that PID 0x302 has very similar (not exact) data and comes in at 25hz, but in my testing steering at 5hz is plenty for video syncing.

    that PID is coming directly from the appendices of the official m motorsports docs for m235iR :smile:

    Here are all the pids i have figured out for F/G series:
  • @aol_of_RaceChrono @dirtyfreebooter With this list of PIDs, can I use the OBD MX+ instead of building a device
  • @PDOT88 not exactly sure. The CAN-bus pins on the OBD-II are not true CAN-bus, they are filtered and still use a request/reply protocol, though you theoretically have access to more data than standard OBD-II with the CAN-bus pins on the OBD-II port. it would be much slower than tapping the CAN-bus wires. i was never able to figure out how to get any real data via OBD-II port via the CAN-bus pins, but once i discovered it was still request/reply protocol, i just didn't bother anymore with it.

    i would imagine its very similar to this product, since it uses the OBD-II but seems to offer more track data then standard OBD-II signals

    tho they dont ever publish the data rate information, etc, so my guess is it can't be great, given the limited speed of OBD-II port/protocol, and if it was, why wouldn't they advertise it.

    at the end of the day, the ESP32 solution is quite good, fast, reliable, but has a steep curve for anyone not really into computer programming and access to soldering tools. @aol_of_RaceChrono did an amazing enabling a DIY api for RaceChrono. this really is a game changer, there just really isn't a lot of room for anyone to productize the DIY devices: low volume, CAN-bus decoding car specific and difficult to figure out, etc.
  • @PDOT88 @dirtyfreebooter There's a similar challenge with 2022+ GR86/BRZ, and one interesting solution is to tap a second OBD-II port into the real CAN bus :smiley:
    That allows you to use OBDLink MX+ in "CAN bus" mode, unlocking fast data (... if you know the encoding).

    Example product:
  • @dirtyfreebooter was looking at your project and was wondering if you have ever seen the RejsaCAN board: Looks like your code could be adapted to his design which has some nifty auto off features (but lacks battery support).
  • @dustinsterk yea, i have seen that, the RejsaCAN. i dont really see why it wouldn't work. having tried a few different ESP32-S3 boards, seems like the only thing that ever needs changing in the code is which GPIO pins are mapped to the CAN RX/TX pins, otherwise things should just work, on an ESP32-S3 board.

    i do not know where any good 12v + ground wires are on my car where my powertrain CAN bus connection is (in BMW M3 G8x CAN bus connection is in the passenger footwell), so i just went the battery route. a simple 800mAh LiPo battery lasts literally days, so for my purpose, 6 hours at the track once every other month, i just found it easier then messing with the complex BMW wiring harness without any documentation as to what wire is what.

    i really like that the RejsaCAN has the CAN bus piece built in, but without a battery setup, its more hassle to me than the extra feather wing adapter :neutral:

    i am going to try and design and 3d print an enclosure for my setup, Adafruit ESP32-S3 feather + feather wing CAN bus transceiver + LiPo battery something this spring.
  • @dirtyfreebooter makes sense....that is where I am as well, do I want the battery option or go for 12v+ hardwired with the RejsaCAN. Both options are nice to have.

    Please do keep your progress updated related to updates and 3D printed enclosures. I will be following this closely for the spring track season! :smiley:
  • I noticed a little time delay in display of the GPS speed and the acceleration (g force) calculated from the GPS data.

    In the first screenshot you can see when i roll off the throttle (green line), rpm (violet) has its peak point here and the longitudinal force is zero. Nevertheless, the GPS speed (blue line) continues to increase.

    The next screenshot shows the situation 3 measurement points later (25Hz GPS update rate, so 120ms later). GPS speed has reached the peak point here, which seems to make no sense as the longitudinal force indicates that deceleration has already began.

    This happens at the end of every straight, I see the longitudinal force already indicates braking while speed has not yet start to decrease.

    It is a bit confusing when I try to find my actual braking point from the data.
  • @GiuseppeBinomi The CAN and GPS data in your build are (probably) coming from two different sources, each having their own processing / data communication buffers and inherent delays. Assuming you have full control of the hardware, you should be able to compensate for that by intentionally buffering + delaying the CAN data by a fixed amount of time. Alternatively, you can try to leverage the "Session Settings" > "CAN-Bus reader delay" / "Auto-detect properties" options.
  • @timurrrr Thanks for your answer :)
    Both GPS and CAN processing is done on the same device. It is not actually CAN but instead measuring raw sensor input (counting rpm sensor pulses, voltage at throttle valve sensor...). Just like you suggested I am able to buffer the CAN data and make a precise synchronization. The PPS signal from GPS module helps to compensate even the delay when reading GPS data. I put all my measured data into the same CAN characteristic (as we can use 16 Byte payload) and send them at the same time with GPS characteristic. So I did everything I could think of to get best possible synchronization.

    What I actually wanted to point out is that GPS speed and lateral/longitudinal forces seems not to show up "in line". And that is somehow confusing because forces are calculated from the GPS data... so nothing connected to my additinal CAN data.
    Maybe anyone can confirm this? It may occur only with fast GPS update rate?
    I am sure there is a smoothing algorithm in use when calculating the forces, it may be causing a little time shift? Just wild guesses what happens behind.

    The next question I had is which of them is displayed with delay, the speed or force? And there I checked with my CAN data which seem to be perfectly synchronized with the calculated forces. Looks like GPS speed is somehow displayed with delay, but I can not proof it yet.
    When I have the chance to test again on track I will send the GPS speed not only within the GPS characteristic but also as a CAN channel. They should be on the exact same line when displayed in the graph. I can also do little tricks to proof my CAN data is synchronized with GPS data by manipulating the number of satellites. This number is included in the GPS characteristic and it could also be sent as CAN data. So changing this number in a suitable pattern could be used as visual proof for synchronization.

    Anyway it's not a big deal and I am just curious about it :)
  • Interesting stuff!
  • edited January 2024
    "What I actually wanted to point out is that GPS speed and lateral/longitudinal forces seems not to show up "in line". And that is somehow confusing because forces are calculated from the GPS data... so nothing connected to my additinal CAN data.
    Maybe anyone can confirm this? It may occur only with fast GPS update rate?
    I am sure there is a smoothing algorithm in use when calculating the forces, it may be causing a little time shift? Just wild guesses what happens behind."

    I have observed that the calculated lateral/longitudinal values lag behind the raw lateral/longitudinal values coming directly from the CAN-BUS (this car provides raw acceleration values).

    I believe it is expected to have a little delay between the raw data(ex speed) and calculated data (ex lateral force). It depends on how the calculation is done, how many raw values are used around each "time point", the smoothing used etc.
  • edited February 2024
    Has anyone tried to use Apache Mynewt NimBLE with RaceChrono?
    Can the example program "bleprph" be modified to work with RaceChrono?
    See also:

    "bleprph" is also included with Espressif esp-idf, and compiles like this on a Windows PC:
    1. Use the windows installer from:
    2. Windows->Start "ESP-IDF PowerShell" and write in it:
    > mkdir $HOME/esp/bleprph
    > cd $HOME/esp/bleprph
    > xcopy /e /i $IDF_PATH\examples\bluetooth\nimble\bleprph .
    > set-target esp32s3 (or whatever chip/board you use -- and plug it in via USB)
    > menuconfig (to change settings, or one can use default settings)
    > build
    > flash
    > monitor
    3. Use a phone with a BLE scanner (e.g. "LightBlue") and connect to "nimble-bleprph".
    The " monitor" will report the connection and other BLE operations.

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