Hello can I run racechrono off a laptop? Is this possible? I found Qstar BT-Q818X that can use USB
http://www.canadagps.com/Qstarz818X.html can I connect via usaB to laptop?
I am asking laptop then it save me money to buy phone maybe later
I can use laptop in passenger seat.
Thanks for info!
I will also make sure later it will work with Vista and Windows 7. Please send me any feedback if you have trouble getting it work.
Thanks for quick reply!
Can I see real time data on the laptop? I would like to video record the laptop screen laptime vs a XT beacon laptimer i have, just to see the accuracy. I can just tape the laptimer display on the laptop and have both going at the same time. I will post the video if this is possible.
I just ordered the Qstar X so hopefully next week i should be able to try it.
No need to record the desktop
Btw, software looks fantastic, I only wish I could get it up and running before going to Mid-Ohio next weekend!