Bug report - can not export a video

I can't export a video of my session due to NPE. It is RaceChrono 7.6.0, Android 12, Moto G72.

Here's a log that I've found in `Android/data/.../logs`

1 lis 2022 21:06:04 No video input stream
1 lis 2022 21:06:04 General failure
1 lis 2022 21:06:04 java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean o.DefaultAnalyticsCollector$$ExternalSyntheticLambda42.buildPsshAtom()' on a null object reference
at o.DefaultAnalyticsCollector$$ExternalSyntheticLambda39.read(:228)
at o.DefaultAnalyticsCollector$$ExternalSyntheticLambda39.read(:150)
at o.advancePeekPosition.AudioAttributesCompatParcelizer(:256)
at o.DefaultExtractorsFactory$FlacExtensionLoader.run(:110)


  • edited November 2022
    Looks like it cannot find a video stream from the raw video file, and then crashes. Can you share the session (as .rcz file) as well as the raw video file (the one that is linked to your session) to tracks(at)racechrono.com ? Please upload to cloud such as Google Drive and share the links.
  • I've fixed the problem, I had to convert the video with ffmpeg. I guess that you could display an error message in such cases. If you want, then I can send you the original (raw) video file in case you'd like to debug it
  • edited November 2022
    @cybuch Did you use some video editor to create the original video, or what's the reason ffmpeg fixed it? If that's the case then I don't need it, it's a known problem. But if it came directly from a camera or phone, then it's a problem, and I need to take a look.
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