In v8.0 you'll find the lean angle channel in the "Calculated channels" device.
If the "Internal sensors" device is enabled, the lean angle is calculated from the real IMU (accelerometer and gyro) data. You'll need to have the phone on a holder for it to be calculated correctly.
You can also just disable the "Internal sensors" device, and the lean angle will be calculated from the GPS again.
For existing sessions, you can change this behavior in "Session > (top menu) Session settings". You can choose if accelerations are calculated from IMU or GPS data.
Hi @aol_of_RaceChrono , I love the new lean angle widget but since 8.0.2 my lean angle data has disappeared. I'm using the same hardware:
- Samsung S20
- Garmin glo
Lean angle info has also disappeared from previous sessions where it was available before (gps channels tab)
In v8.0 you'll find the lean angle channel in the "Calculated channels" device.
If the "Internal sensors" device is enabled, the lean angle is calculated from the real IMU (accelerometer and gyro) data. You'll need to have the phone on a holder for it to be calculated correctly.
You can also just disable the "Internal sensors" device, and the lean angle will be calculated from the GPS again.
For existing sessions, you can change this behavior in "Session > (top menu) Session settings". You can choose if accelerations are calculated from IMU or GPS data.