csv time converted back to gps time?

The CSV time is seconds since start of the day. So if GPS time is 12:25:56
then CSV time is 12*3600 + 25*60 + 56.

Is there a formula that can be applied to the "Timestamp (s)" column of an exported csv to create a new column with the time converted back to gps time 12:25:56?



  • edited February 2010
    12*3600 + 25*60 + 56.3 = 44756.3

    hours =INT(MOD(44756.3, 3600*24)/3600) = 12
    minutes =INT(MOD(44756.3, 3600)/60) = 25
    seconds = MOD(44756.3, 60) = 56.3
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