What is the expected file extension of the PerformanceBox file? Can't get any files listed when I choose "Import file".
I have a custom GPS data logger which can convert its data to PerformanceBox format, I intended to use this to create track profiles for some Norwegian tracks.
Is this file valid for import:
velocity kmh
Log Rate (Hz) : 10
Software Version : 1.0.0 (Build 001)
[column names]
sats time lat long velocity heading height
008 123706.00 +03642.08740 -00708.84630 121.436 329.77 +00172.20
008 123706.10 +03642.08899 -00708.84441 121.981 329.96 +00172.18
008 123706.20 +03642.09061 -00708.84249 122.535 330.08 +00172.16
008 123706.30 +03642.09226 -00708.84055 123.095 330.16 +00172.14
008 123706.40 +03642.09393 -00708.83859 123.659 330.19 +00172.12
008 123706.50 +03642.09562 -00708.83662 124.225 330.16 +00172.10
008 123706.60 +03642.09731 -00708.83464 124.790 330.09 +00172.08
008 123706.70 +03642.09900 -00708.83265 125.353 329.98 +00172.06
008 123706.80 +03642.10068 -00708.83066 125.912 329.81 +00172.04
008 123706.90 +03642.10235 -00708.82868 126.465 329.59 +00172.02
007 123707.00 +03642.10400 -00708.82670 126.843 329.53 +00172.00
007 123707.10 +03642.10565 -00708.82471 127.613 329.65 +00171.84
007 123707.20 +03642.10734 -00708.82270 128.392 329.74 +00171.68
007 123707.30 +03642.10905 -00708.82066 129.177 329.81 +00171.52
007 123707.40 +03642.11078 -00708.81860 129.966 329.85 +00171.36
The file format supported by v0.50 is *.DBN (data) and *.DSF (track). The file you posted looks like *.VBO (or *.CIR) file. This format is supported in v0.90 which I'm going to release on the weekend.
Unfortunately *.CIR does not contain any finish line position information, how did you plan to handle that? I'm guessing it would be OK to compare finish line position to track pictures or google maps, and add them by estimation. Or do you have the coordinates in some format?
The v0.90 beta supports importing AND exporting from and to this format. So software supporting *.VBO files can be used to analyze RaceChrono sessions. Such software are for example PerformanceBox's PC-software.