Opening RaceChrono .bin files on PC

HI everybody i'm new here in this forum and i would like to know: I have tried the racechrono program to vallelunga and am enthusiastic! then I have downloaded the session on the computer; I ask you whether it is normal that a BIN type file has given birth to me do I and I am not able to open? I would like your thanks help


  • edited May 2008
    Hi, The RaceChrono internal files do not open on PC. In order to open the files, you need to export to VBOX format, and open the exported file with PerformanceBox's Performance Tools. Next version will also support export to I2M Danas format.

    Check out the manual for Export instructions.
  • edited May 2008
    and how can one to export the file in VBOX format? please HELP ME!
  • Traveled route > Options > Export
    Scope: Traveled route
    Type: VBOX
  • Is it possible to take raw NMEA data (from any GPS that logs in standard NMEA data) and convert it to BIN, VBOX, DANAS format?

    I don't have a S60 phone but would love to use these viewers to view my NMEA log data.


  • Without S60 phone it's impossible to use RaceChrono, so therefore your NMEA data would need to be converted to VBOX or Danas format by some other application. Or maybe write a converter script with Perl (or ask a friend who knows Perl). Easiest is of course to buy S60 phone and start using RaceChrono. :-)
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