Someone with motorbike like Yamaha r6 2005, or Honda CBR 1000 rr 2007 with OBD bluetooth reader and Racechrono?, it works on cars like Peugeot 308 2007 or Citroen C4 diesel 2009?. Wich one?.
Thanks a lot!!.
We use a Racechrono in different Italian championship from 3 years ago and I can say that it's a great great software!
Now we want to try the Obd connection and we have found different version of OBD2 Diagnostic Interface.
Someone is V1.3 and another one is 1.2 or 1.4.
we have to try this on a Ducati with Can Bus.
What you think about it? Wich is the version you have try and works fine?
The configuration: Nokia N96 + Qstarz 818 5Hz + OBD2 Bluetooth Diagnostic Interface V1.3 is reccomended?
The Nokia N96 supports two Bluetooth devices together?
Moris: What brand is that OBD2 interface you are planning to buy? I have used OBDkey brand for reference device so that is guaranteed to work. N96 should work just fine with two devices.
Im trying to get my RaceChrono setup (EEE 901 PC running MIMO touch screen with 1.40 RC Windows) working over standard com-cable to OBDII.
This probably isnt a Racechrono issue.
The car: BMW e30 with euro s50b32
ECU: MSS50 DME with round plug OBDII
The standard BMW INPA software works I can read all values fine over the OBDII cable. (TPS, RPM etc)
When I try RaceChrono I cannot get any input (TPS, RPM etc) from OBDII cable to COM1 on my test laptop.
Has anyone got OBDII data working over a hardwired cable yet ?
I'm borrowing a OBDKey BT edition which I will test my output from the ECU with to discount a problem with the ECU output format etc etc.
Does anyone have an idea of any good free generic OBDII apps that I could also use to to test? as maybe the BMW software is biased a little for testing
Obviously happy to share my findings and setup once im done.
Tested and "OBD Speed" works fine on a Windows Mobile 6.1 platform (HTC Touch 3G) with my 2002 Citroën Saxo VTS 16v and a "OBDLink ELM327" (bluetooth).
But Racechrono won't plot the other graphs in performance testing and lap timing. It only plots throttle position, coolant temperature, engine load, rpm, etc. when in "data logging only" mode.
Youp: You probably had the "Use OBD speed for performance testing" setting enabled on "Performance Testing" mode. If you disable that, you get all channels logged for performance testing too.
Update on mine: Turns out BMW didnt support OBDII on pre-2000 euro engines.
Im starting work on a BMW DS2 to OBDII protocol converter. Will allow pre-2000 BMW Euro ECUs to talk to race chrono. This will take a few friends and myself a few months however I will keep you all updated in a new thread.
My update : it works fine on RaceChrono version 1.43 for Windows computers (Win Seven) + OBDKey USB + GPS receiver Qstarz BT-818XT in USB. The car : Mazda MX5 1.8L NB-FL 2004.
Thank you very much for this program. I will test it on real track (Folembray / France) at the end of the month.
Great app just ordered a obd2 bluetooth adaptor off ebay that says it works with this app for less than £23 including delivery here is the link http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/OBD2-ELM327-Bluetooth-Scanner-Tool-TORQUE-Android-/180711591164?pt=UK_Diagnostic_Tools_Equipment&hash=item2a13400cfc
And does anyone know if this adaptor http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/OBD2-ELM327-Bluetooth-Scanner-Tool-TORQUE-Android-/180711591164?pt=UK_Diagnostic_Tools_Equipment&hash=item2a13400cfc and app can work with a 2000 astravan with the 1.7dtl engine. Have heard that this engine uses the kwp2000 protocol but not sure if this is true. Tnx in advance for any help.
Can confirm this app works fine with nokia 5230 nuron (hacked) and the bluetooth adaptor in my previous post. Only tried with 2000 mk4 astravan with x17dtl gm engine works fine. Gotta try it with a 1996 saxo vtr black top engine will post results with that car next week. And also goin to try it wiv everyone elses car that will let me and post results here. Thanks aol and keep up the good work. (plz keep updates coming for nokia) :)
Does not work with a 1996 citroen saxo vtr dont think the car is obd2 although it has a socket. Can only get obd port voltage no rpm etc. However g force etc is stil available though internal gps.
Hi. I tried Racechrono with Qstarz BT-Q818XT 10Hz GPS Receiver and an OBD II BT interface on a Nokia X6 that should be the same of the user "matthewstanley1985" (this is the one i bought: http://www.ebay.it/itm/110733550908?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649#ht_6245wt_1159). The GPS interface works fine, but i'm not able to receive data from the OBD II interface. I tried it on a 2009 Peugeot 207 GTi/RC, on a 2009 Fiat Punto 1.4 and on a 2008 Peugeot 107 1.0. On all that cars the interface seems to be connected to racechrono, but the only information shown is "Obd time" that give me a number (-0.50 to 0,50 changing quicky) and the frequency (1.1 Hz) in the same square. I tried to change baudrate, but nothing changed. Are there other options to edit? With other programs (such as OBDscope) the interface works fine and let me know all the information of the car.
Thank you for your answers an sorry for my english :-)
EDIT: This morning i tried woth the same GPS and OBD on the netbook and it works great! The problem is the phone... Suggestions?
qaz_tan: OBD time is the difference to the GPS time so seems like it's working OK. Have you configured same OBD channels to be logged as in the PC ? Also if you're using Performace Testing mode, then you need to set "Use OBD speed" to disabled, if you want other channels than OBD speed.
I tried with "Data logging only" and all the options was the same both in the phone and in the PC. I just tried with a Nokia C5 and it works fine as the PC. Now I try to uninstall and reinstall the program on the X6.
EDIT: GREAT! I reinstalled RC on the phone and now it works fine!
2009 Peugeot 207 GTi/RC/Le Mans (RC v1.43, Nokia x6/c5 and Windows 7 netbook, Qstarz BT-818X, cheap ELM/327 OBD2 Bluetooth)
Sorry for the delay the above device does not work with the saxo vtr. Can only get voltage readings from obd port. But would work for 0-60 times etc if you have a descent gps. Oops did not realise i had already posted similar info.
Thanks aol i believe its too old for obd2 aswel im quite suprised the v reg astravan works. For the record the obd scanner in gaz tans link looks the same as my unit.
matthewstanley1985: I have one that looks like that too, but it has an odd problem, stops receiving after few seconds. Maybe I have a defective unit then...
I have succselful testet Honda Civic FN2 with ELM 327 OBD2 Reader. Works fine!
Is it possible to use the obd Speed in racechrono2avi instead of the Gps speed?
I corrected the URL of my data.
works fine!
Someone with motorbike like Yamaha r6 2005, or Honda CBR 1000 rr 2007 with OBD bluetooth reader and Racechrono?, it works on cars like Peugeot 308 2007 or Citroen C4 diesel 2009?. Wich one?.
Thanks a lot!!.
Now we want to try the Obd connection and we have found different version of OBD2 Diagnostic Interface.
Someone is V1.3 and another one is 1.2 or 1.4.
we have to try this on a Ducati with Can Bus.
What you think about it? Wich is the version you have try and works fine?
The configuration: Nokia N96 + Qstarz 818 5Hz + OBD2 Bluetooth Diagnostic Interface V1.3 is reccomended?
The Nokia N96 supports two Bluetooth devices together?
Thanks a Lot!
Im trying to get my RaceChrono setup (EEE 901 PC running MIMO touch screen with 1.40 RC Windows) working over standard com-cable to OBDII.
This probably isnt a Racechrono issue.
The car: BMW e30 with euro s50b32
ECU: MSS50 DME with round plug OBDII
The standard BMW INPA software works I can read all values fine over the OBDII cable. (TPS, RPM etc)
When I try RaceChrono I cannot get any input (TPS, RPM etc) from OBDII cable to COM1 on my test laptop.
Has anyone got OBDII data working over a hardwired cable yet ?
I'm borrowing a OBDKey BT edition which I will test my output from the ECU with to discount a problem with the ECU output format etc etc.
Does anyone have an idea of any good free generic OBDII apps that I could also use to to test? as maybe the BMW software is biased a little for testing
Obviously happy to share my findings and setup once im done.
But Racechrono won't plot the other graphs in performance testing and lap timing. It only plots throttle position, coolant temperature, engine load, rpm, etc. when in "data logging only" mode.
Im starting work on a BMW DS2 to OBDII protocol converter. Will allow pre-2000 BMW Euro ECUs to talk to race chrono. This will take a few friends and myself a few months however I will keep you all updated in a new thread.
RC is compatible with OBDpros ?
I have a Mazda MX5 2004
Thank you very much for this program. I will test it on real track (Folembray / France) at the end of the month.
RaceChrono V1.43 works fine with HP iPAQ 614c and Qstarz BT-Q818X and OBD2 ELM327 Interface (http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B005N4RO6Q) with
Thank you for your answers an sorry for my english :-)
EDIT: This morning i tried woth the same GPS and OBD on the netbook and it works great! The problem is the phone... Suggestions?
EDIT: GREAT! I reinstalled RC on the phone and now it works fine!
2009 Peugeot 207 GTi/RC/Le Mans (RC v1.43, Nokia x6/c5 and Windows 7 netbook, Qstarz BT-818X, cheap ELM/327 OBD2 Bluetooth)
Is it possible to use the obd Speed in racechrono2avi instead of the Gps speed?